Jason Ray's Project Portfolio Page
Project: HouR
HouR is a desktop HR management application used for managing and organising personnel data. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 12 kLoC.
Given below are my contributions to the project.
- New Attribute: [OvertimeHours]
- What it represents: It keeps track of the number of overtime hours taken by an employee.
- Justification: Users will need to keep track of employee overtime hours to make changes their bonus salary and performance measures.
- New Feature: [Sort]
- What it does: It sorts the list of all employees based on a field and an order.
- Justification: Users will want to check for employee with the highest salary, the highest overtime hours taken, etc.
- Highlights: A big problem encountered during the implementation of this feature is that the list editing technique used in find feature does not work with sorting. Therefore, I was able to make this feature work by editing the original employee list in UniqueEmployeeList.
- New Feature: [DeleteLeave]
- What it does: It deletes a leave from the list of leaves an employee has taken.
- Justification: Users might have to remove an allocated employee leave because of a mis-input, which will need a delete feature for the leave
- Highlights: In the process of implementing the delete leave feature, I realized that the Leave object cannot be integrated well to the JSON data file As a result, I had to implement a JsonAdaptedLeave class that converts the Leave object into its Jackson-friendly version. This is where most of the time is spent on this feature implementation.
Code contributed: RepoSense link
- Project management:
- Reviewing and approving pull requests on GitHub
- Assign bug issues on GitHub.
- Enhancements to existing features:
- Added Overtime hours attribute to Employee class (Pull request #116)
- Documentation:
- User Guide: Added guides for sort, add leave, and delete leave features.
- Developer Guide:
- Added implementation details for sort and delete leave features.
- Added sequence and activity diagrams for sort and delete leave features.
- Added instructions for manual testing for sort and delete leave features.
- Added details for planned enhancements.
- Added details for use cases.
- Tools: IntelliJ, GitHub CLI, GitHub